Bookish Asia is a book review site dedicated to showcasing quality fiction and non-fiction works about Asia. It is the creation of the three founders of Camphor Press: Michael Cannings, John Ross and Mark Swofford. We do not feature reviews of Camphor Press books.

In June 2024, Bookish Asia is moving primarily to podcasting, with weekly episodes on a new podcast called Bookish Asia with Plum Rain Press. Plum Rain Press is a new publishing house founded by Eryk Michael Smith and John Ross, co-hosts of the Formosa Files podcast.

Bookish Asia is a non-profit site; we neither pay nor receive money for reviews. Likewise, we are not part of any affiliate program so receive no money from publisher sites that we link to.


If you would like to review a book – whether you have a title in mind or are happy to have us suggest one – we’d like to hear from you. We do, however, require some level of professional expertise: either subject knowledge or writing experience. Contact us for more details.

For writers and publishers requesting reviews

SUBMISSIONS TEMPORARILY CLOSED. As of October 2022, we are no longer accepting books for reviews. We have a large backlog of titles to get through. We’ll post an update here a few months before we reopen.

Using our content

All content is subject to copyright and may be used only with our permission. However, provided we know where and how the material will be used, we’re obviously happy to get the maximum exposure for the books we review. So, drop us a line requesting permission.

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